Indeed Law: Citizenship and Living in the UK

Indeed Law

There are several ways that you can become a British citizen. The most common one is usually by naturalization. You can get help from professionals like from Indeed Law and apply to become a citizen by naturalization if you meet the below requirements:

  • are over 18 years, you are of good conduct
  • you have the intentions of living in the UK henceforth
  • you know the required level of English
  • You have met all residency requirements that have been set.

Before this can be actualized, you must have met the following requirements:

  • You must have lived in the country for five years continuously before the date of application.
  • In the event that there was a time you were not in the UK, the period should not exceed 450 days.
  • For the last 12 months prior to your application, you ought not to have spent 90 days, or more, 90 days outside UK.
  • You should not have a specific day that you must leave the country due to an indefinite leave.
  • You ought not to have breached any immigration law for the time that you have been in the UK.

These laws indeed will be different if you are getting married to a person who is a citizen in the country. The time when you were in the UK but was exempted from immigration laws is not included in the five years mentioned above; for example when you were in the country as a diplomat or visiting a member of the armed forces.

The immigration department has a full site with all the requirements where you can refer to before making an application. In other circumstances, you will have to apply to be a citizen by registration. If the person who wants to apply for this citizenship is a child under 18 years, then the parent should do so on his/her behalf. As long as they are eligible, they do not have to pass the life test in the UK.

There is a fee paid for this application as well. The guide is available online as well and, at the same time, you can get a helping hand from Indeed Law. Dual citizenship is allowed in this country. You cannot have dual citizenship in the event that you are a British subject or are among the protected persons. However, if you are a British subject from the republic of Ireland, you are allowed to have dual citizenship. It is important to note that you will not get diplomatic help from the British government when you are in the other country where you are also a citizen. Also, you do not become a British citizen when you marry a British citizen, you will have to apply to become one.