Indeed Law: Employment Contracts

Indeed Law

Are you looking forward to practice law? Do you know the terms and conditions that you’ll have to adhere to in order to get a good job in this competitive field? Well, we compiled some terms from Indeed law and are briefly explained below. To start with, all employees have to sign an employment contract with their employer. The contract carries the following;

  • Your duties as the employee
  • The responsibilities of the employee
  • The rights of the employee
  • Employment conditions

These four are also called the terms of the contract. Both the employer must abide by the contract till it ends. If the terms change before the contract ends, then both of them have to agree to the changes. The contract does not have to be written down, but as soon as you have accepted the job, then you have entered into a contract with your employer.

If there are any legal parts of the contract, then they are called the terms. These parts should be clear to the employee and the employer should explain these. Terms of a contract could be:

  • In a written document
  • Verbal agreement
  • In an employee handbook
  • In a job offer letter
  • A requirement of the law
  • In collateral agreements
  • In any implied terms.

In this case, implied terms are issues that are not agreed on verbally or in writing but are more or less considered common sense and ethical like:

  • No stealing from your employer
  • Employer to provide a safe and secure working environment
  • Employees should get the stipulated holiday per year and should be paid for it
  • Things that have been in the company for a long time like paying employees Christmas bonuses.

Some of these agreements are done by the employees’ representative on behalf of the other employees for example a trade union. The union in this case will negotiate and agree with the employer on behalf of the employees. This is referred to as a collective agreement. In the event that the job is short term, then the employer should give the employee a written statement which has the employment particulars. This will not be referred to as conditions of employment.

There are some employees who fail to issue their employees with a written statement. In this case the employee should:

  • Resolve the matter informally and probably face to face
  • If this does not work, they should take a grievance against the employer.
  • In these two do not work, then he can try get a tribunal to help him.

The tribunal is neutral and will determine what the employment particulars should be. In the event that the employee wins the case for example for unfair dismissal, then the tribunal will determine the fairest compensation package they should get. Once the tribunal has set the figure, then it should take no more than one month to receive you pay. Indeed law protects all employees, but the employer as well.


Antisocial behavior in UK – IndeedLaw


In the United Kingdom, people are often charged with any signs of antisocial behavior. This one will apply as long as you are above ten years old. Antisocial behavior includes:

  • drunken behavior that threatens the lives of other people
  • vandalism
  • graffiti drawings
  • Playing very loud music especially at night.

The moment you are charged with antisocial behavior, it means you will not be able to:

  • visit certain areas where you are thought that you will be a nuisance
  • you will also not be allowed to spend time with people who are thought to be trouble makers too
  • You will not be allowed to drink in the streets too least you start causing chaos.

Such an order can last for up to two years. However, the period can be reviewed if you change your behavior.

In the event that you do not obey the order, you will be treated like a criminal as this is a criminal offense. You will have to be charged in a court of law for that. The sentence will be given depending on your age and the magnitude of the havoc that you have caused. If you are aged between 10 to 14 years, you can be charged up to 250 euros and if you are between 15 and 17 it can go up to 1000 euros. The fine is paid by the parents or guardians if you are under 16 years. There are those who get community service sentences or even a detention and training for others. If the order is issued to an adult, the fine can be as high as 5000 euros or a 5 years’ imprisonment or even both. However, it is wise to remember that you can get legal advice and representation from renowned lawyers from Indeed Law.

A crime of antisocial behavior should be reported to the police immediately before it gets out of hand. You should call 999 if the crime is in progress or someone is in immediate danger due to the crime. If the crime is not an emergency, then you should call 101. If you want the call to be anonymous, then you should call crime stoppers and they will forward the information you give them to the police.

To get more information on the same, there are several sites like Indeed Law that have information on how to get such contacts, when and how to report as well as the charges the call will cost you. Moreover, there is also information of the support that you can get if you are the victim of such crimes.